Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Some informations about my country

Mali is one of the poorest countries of the world but we live peacefully in a pretty landscape where people help each other, so this situation of willing to help each other is included in malian's culture. Malians like strangers coming straight from any country all over the world. Criminality can occurs of course like in any other country on this earth but it's too low because we are in a country where people are not used to use any weapon on them to kill other people. Mali is also a country where people are addicted to the green tea: http://tecfa.unige.ch/perso/staf/lattion/blog/images/dsc01740.jpg coming from China no matter where you are: in family, somewhere in the streets boys especially spend the time in front of the door of one of their friend's home to talk about many topics but most of their discussions are focalized on the girls to hook up, they do all of this while drinking a green tea and smoking cigarettes. Green tea is even made in many workplaces. Malian traditional clothes are bazins check it out: http://www.mayimava.com/photos_galerie/bazin.jpg and bogolans: http://www.mayimava.com/photos_galerie/bogolan,tissu.jpg

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